Friday, 24 February 2012

Get To 'F' (27)

Thought I'd let you all GTF with the image of this beautiful Flamin(c)go Dancer performing in your minds!  Ah,.....she looks like she could sugar many a plum with a simple pirouette:

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Sunday Snippet (36)

Just because Russell Crowe is a fat, cantankerous,  pain-in-the-arse, doesn't make him a bad actor.  It's his acting that does that!


Thursday, 16 February 2012

Tut Tut......Whatever Next...?

Now - as you know, I NEVER  brag about either of my sons' bands.  The words Hotel India or No Need For Idols  rarely leave my lips..........!  So I'm making up for it via fingers........

First and foremost,  NO NEED FOR IDOLS are making their King Tuts Debut soon.  For those who may not be up on Scottish venues, King Tuts is thee ultimate stage that an unsigned band can grace their material upon.  They are sharing the spot with signed band The Banter Thiefs but I'm pretty sure that if ticket sales keep roaring, NNFI could steal the top slot from them!  These guys not only provide great tunes but great showmanship as well.

I am double-blessed, however.  This will be my second visit to a band there.  Hotel India (my oldest sons' band) graced the same stage at New Year two years ago when they were still Casino....and here's what a drummer looks like after an hour's slot at King Tuts......:

ps.......anyone linking on to the bands via this page's link is free to click the 'like' bit on facebook. Free demo's will be given on request and each 'like' gets a pound donation to charity.


                              Get To 'F'

 As some may know, I appreciate it when Friday comes and I get to F. Even better if you get to eff with me. So this week's topic relating to F is feckin' faeries.  Another little sprite is waiting (as per)on my other blog. Check her out!! 


Saturday, 11 February 2012

Spud -U-Look-Like

I dunno about you (UK telly stuff here!) but I reckon if you put a short ginger wig on this couch potato, he'd be a dead ringer for young Chesney from Coronation Street:

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

The Curious Crinkles Of Helena's Hands

Passing yesterday afternoon, as the boys on a rare day together were downstairs fixated on some juvenile computer game, I logged on to my favorite illegal free movie channel and watched for the first time, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. 

Totally engrossed, I put my hand up to scratch my nose and shit myself when I saw loads of deep, and I mean, deeep wrinkles over my fingers and palm, only to remind myself that I had been watching the film with a hot water bottle tightly squeezed between my hands and knees. Mind you, given the nature of the film, I should really have been relieved.........I hate computer games.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Get To 'F' (26)

This Friday,  sees getting to 'F' in a double morphing - all feathers and flowers for the indecisive