In the 1995 film ,The Prophecy, where he played the nice angel, Simon, (below) I've always had a thing for ERIC STOLTZ. Fresh-faced and carrying a beautiful voice his character alongside Christopher Walken, (bad angel Gabriel) opposed perfectly:
Didn't quite fancy him so much in this film, but it was the film that really kick started his career. MASK was a tender movie, one I weep at with fury. I even tolerate Cher throughout the whole of it. Eric's acting was astounding in this true story where the poor little love died at 16:
He's slightly Bowiesque in this picture and I haven't a clue where it's from but I'd have no bother tending to what looks like a rather dry or punched bottom lip:

And here he is today, acting in some new drama series called CAPRICA. As much as they try to tone down those ginga locks to look 'subtlety-Brown' for his part in this Battlestar Galacticrap type load of bollocks (I'll get into Sci-fi one of these days) his redhead roots keep pushing in:
Eric - you are my only ranga, wannabe bonk. Oh, how I'd love to share the ginger velcro effect with you. *sigh*, the pictures' formats aren't speckled they really are freckles.......
Ooh I like Dougie Henshall :)
Hehe. Great pictures.
I've always thought redheads were lucky to have such vibrant hair. Maybe it makes for a vibrant personality....?
My only ginger crush is Rupert Grint! He almost made my list but I thought he might be a little mainstream since there are so many Harry Potter fangirls out there.
I have to say I am with the lady at the top of the comments! I loved Douglas Henshaw from when I first saw This Years Love a long time ago.
I think Eric Stoltz has a certain something though. Although (please dont be offended - unless of course you have a thing for him, then game on! lol) I always think of Micheal J Fox when i see him?????!!!
Gwen - that's the Scottish bloke from the dinosaur thingy...? Yup, he IS a bit of alright, too. Similar eyes to Erics...! I'll look out for more of him...
Dani - I think you're right with what you say. Extra fizz indeed!
Karisa - Rupert is a great ikkle actor. Like the wee brother I never had role.
Mummy Boo - I have thought him to resemble Michael J, too. And This Years Love is a favourite film of mine. I adore Kathy Burke. Might need to find the DVD and remind myself of how gorg Dougie is. He was the tattooist - right..?
Well, that's my weekend sorted! Cheers Girls...!
Lena . . you are way too bad. lol!!!!
"...let near my minge"! OMG, haven't heard that word in thirty years. You must be really old! Never mind, bonking is always better than not bonking at any age. By the way, how does a fan bcome a Lena follower? Don't want to miss your posts.
paws off....the ging is MINE!
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