When we found out that my favourite band, Suede, were to split up in 2003, my sister and I were devastated. No more bunking off work and throwing sickies to see them. No more coming home with bruising and fag burns on clothes after gigs! No more staying overnight in pissed-drenched train stations for catching the end of shows or vomiting in Edinburgh/Glasgow streets through a sustenance of alcohol because you're too excited to eat! God, I miss those days.
But, because our family intends to inflict our favourite music on our children (that can be cruel in some cases!) it gave me the idea to make the jumper below for my little niece, Rachel, who was 9 months old when she wore it. My wee sis adored it on her baby and always bought unusual clothes and toys ect, whenever she could. Just to veer off a little from the typical.
On the jumper I have knitted in a headstone with the date of the bands' birth and demise in music. Round the headstone I painstakingly embroidered little flowers in respect of the band. And we didn't care what reaction it got from other mums (most of them thought we were mad) but I can remember my GP saying it was brilliant! (Not that I had consulted him about the idea, Rachel just happened to be wearing it while I was babysitting!).
So, I've been knitting away like an old fogey since, usually for older babies and sometimes with rudish sayings on them! A lot of asterisks used, that kind of thing! Coz that's what modern and untypical mums want these days. Let's face it - the kids won't get away with bad language or choose 'sinister' clothes when they're older, (unless they're Goth of course) so we have to do it for them when we can! Just think of the horror of showing them the pictures when they're older! Rachel will probably be mortified when this picture resurfaces in her teens. And that jumper is to be kept for my first grandchild. It's the hairiest ******* heirloom I'll ever be proud of!.
PRATT OF A CAT - example 4:
Dodgy dances moves will get you neither a queen, nor smoked salmon.......Pratt!
I love that quirkiness about you. Would have loved having jumpers like that for my boy when he was a toddler!
Your silly pratt of a cat!! A bit like one of my cats called Suerte, lucky in Spanish . . long story . . .
I have some photos I took on our dawn walk yesterday that I think you will like. Come take a look:)
I'm knitting one for the cat next!
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