Sunday, 15 April 2012

Sunday Snippet (35)

In town today I saw advertised on the windows of popular retailers, Debenhams, that they were having the Best Ever Sale. Does that mean that we were all being made fools of last time? To think I almost went into the buggering shop!


Lolamouse said...

That's like a store around here that is always having their "Biggest Sale Ever!" How much of our money do they spend on all of that advertising?!!

Lolamouse said...

That's like a store around here that is always having their "Biggest Sale Ever!" How much of our money do they spend on all of that advertising?!!

Yvonne Osborne said...

Retailers are constantly making fools of us but we keep coming back for more.

Helena said...

That we do, ladies. I find some titles very humorous. Like when Tesco's was having a 'Best Mum In The World? Tell Us Why' competition and there was a huge cut-out model prompting you to "Enter your Mum Here" with her pointing down to the box at her feet!