a gift from God, you see.
he made another 'me'.
Identical in every way,
from height, to weight, to features.
A criss-cross of my own damn self,
fooled friends and foes and teachers.
We have a waddled walk, they say,
a cackling laugh to boot.
There's a strange breeze when we leave a room,
unitedly astute.
Our telepathic stories
can leave jaws a drooping down.
Although 500 miles away -
I know when she's in town!
Our soppy hearts are similar,
we cry at weepy stories.
And reminisce through albums,
telling tales of our joint glories.
We've felt each others' sadness,
but no sharing aches and pains.
Deliberating right from wrong?
I'm on my side again!
It has been rather useful though,
this chance to intermix.
One present sent from both of us,
two back - yeah, that's the trick!
Don't let this twin thing fool you,
though she has my DNA.
We're chalk and cheesy mostly,
not all roads display 'One Way'.
Her taste in men is awful,
and her music choice is chronic.
My cat's fluffy and fragile,
her dog's borderline demonic.
She'll choose the hottest spice to try,
no water standing by.
Whereas just a hint of onion,
makes me cry and cry and cry.
She'll bake in her back garden,
'til she turns to lobster red.
While just a ruddy chink of light,
makes me want to stay in bed.
A smoker since her school days,
yet, I've never had a puff
(though I've had a sneaky inhale
of that marijuana stuff!)
And her love for wine astounds me,
not a country she's not tried.
If a grape needed direction,
she would make the perfect guide!
Don't start me on the tattoos,
needless, forever-inky scars.
That her bygone masterpiece just
looks like bruises from afar....
Her craft is model icing,
literally on the cake.
For celebrations catering,
all walks of life she makes.
Me? I'm at my best when,
slapping paint upon a wall.
Mural of some kiddies' hero,
or giant logos of football!
I could go on here forever,
splitting replica's apart.
She'll always be my twin sis
the same beating of one heart.
We share love and we share laughter
Go through Hell if she did too.
Protected though, forever.
Could you love another 'you'?.
Penned for Poets Rally Week 47, and dedicated to my twin sister (right).....ps....my hair has been cut and styled to match hers now!