Hear The Ventures with the original Hawaii Five-O theme thisaway
1. This is the theme from the TV show Hawii Five-0 that ran from 1968 to 1980 and is back again with a new cast. Were you a fan? Kind of. I can remember the family getting together for a show.
3. If you'd followed one of your parents in their profession what would you be doing? If I'd followed my father: I'd be a game keeper and butcher. If I'd followed my mother: I'd be seeing how many lives I could make a bloody misery.
4. Have any of our 44 Presidents hailed from your state? It would be some commuting if one of them had. But I will be the first one at the polls to vote out our present Prime Minister.
5. Are you a big coffee drinker? No. I'm not a coffee drinker although I sometimes have a very weak latte if I meet my wee sis for a coffee house catch up!
6. Morton Stevens was the musical director for the entertaining Rat Pack. Can you remember ANY of the members? I could lie and google it, but the one's I remember (hopefully) are: Dean Martin * Frank Sinatra * Sammy Davis Jnr but I'm lost on the last bloke.
7. The Ventures came about after Don Wilson bought a used car from Bob Bogle (cracking name bw) Is your current ride new or used and how did the negotiations go? I can't drive just direct, but I leave all that kinda stuff to The Cheaper Half.
9. What's on your Saturday to do list? Apart from visiting back here tomorrow, I'm having a free day while the guys are at footie to catch up on some Sky Arts shows I've recorded. The housework can go shove itself!